About Pursuing your Dreams
It’s 9PM, the train reached Maritz-burg, the capital of Natal. Beddings used to be provided at this station. A railway servant came and asked me if I wanted one. “No,” said I, “I have one with me.” He went away. But a passenger came next, and looked me up and down. He saw that I was a ‘colored’ man. That disturbed him. He went out and came back with one or two officials. They all kept quiet, when another official came to me and said, “Come along, you must go to the van compartment.” “But I have a first class ticket,” said I. “That doesn’t matter,” rejoined the other. “I tell you, you must go to the van compartment.” “I tell you, I was permitted to travel in this compartment at Durban, and I insist on going on in it.” “No, you won’t,” said the official. “You must leave this compartment, or else I shall have to call a police constable to push you out.” “Yes, you may. I refuse to get out voluntarily.” The constable came. He took me by the hand and pushed me...